Lawrence Talks Podcast Ep. 2: On Truth and Its Social Utility

In just our second podcast, we tackle the topic of truth and its social utility. Alternative facts and spinning the truth, both appear to be the norm in both political and non-political discourse. Norms emerge because they are not only useful, but they provide a significant enough of a benefit or advantage that humans find them worth adopting as their everyday strategy. This would appear to put a small premium on telling the truth and truth itself. So we ask: why does truth matter?

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Lawrence Talks Podcast Ep. 1: The Efficacy of Deliberative Dialogue

This marks the first podcast produced by Lawrence Talks. Here we discuss the very thing Lawrence Talks was established to do: bring people of varying viewpoints to the table. Many argue that free and open deliberation is an important element of a well functioning democracy. But, many of our disagreements come down to strongly engraved intuitions. Given this, we ask and attempt to answer two questions. Is there any point to opening up dialogue between people who disagree strongly and what sort of things do we need to agree on in order to even come to the table. Join us and let’s have a dialogue!

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